Red dust flies as cavalry reports to the small squadron of General Yuan Rong,
They tread on the southern road for a spring outing.
Beside the snow waves, they shout at the dawn's crossing,
The Wu and Chu regions are divided by the half-separated river.
Years pass, startling the heart,
The wind and dust make one squint their eyes, facing each other with white hair.
Willow flowers flutter and scatter, pitifully adorning the spring scene.
Who speaks of the swallows and warblers,
So sentimental that they recognize the passing years as guests?
The refrain of "Jiangnan" (South of the Yangtze River) tugs at the heartstrings,
Filling me with a cup of cloud-like liquid.
The painted drum boat moves,
The golden saddle and riders are distant, separated by the misty waves.
The slanting sun sets slowly,
Yet the endless sorrow remains.
“一饷烟波隔”出自宋代吴潜的《酹江月(瓜洲会赵南仲端明)》,诗句共5个字,诗句拼音为:yī xiǎng yān bō gé,诗句平仄:平仄平平平。
吴潜(1195—1262) 字毅夫,号履斋,宣州宁国(今属安徽)人。宁宗嘉定十年(1217)举进士第一,授承事郎,迁江东安抚留守。理宗淳祐十一年(1251)为参知政事,拜右丞相兼枢密使,封崇国公。次年罢相,开庆元年(1259)元兵南侵攻鄂州,被任为左丞相,封庆国公,后改许国公。被贾似道等人排挤,罢相,谪建昌军,徙潮州、循州。与姜夔、吴文英等交往,但词风却更近于辛弃疾。其词多抒发济时忧国的抱负与报国无门的悲愤。格调沉郁,感慨特深。著有《履斋遗集》,词集有《履斋诗余》。...