

Four Gardens Bamboo (Translation)

The remnants of sunset, rain upon the palace,
Brilliant light seeping through the window.
Bamboo leaves gently falling,
Cold pavement echoes with the sound of crickets,
Autumn fills the screen.

In a hurry, sleeves sway as farewells are exchanged,
Lonely in a foreign land,
Who truly understands?
Thinking of you, my love.

In the past, we were like peonies with shared hearts,
Who knew our beautiful days would end?
Waiting for the golden wind to arrive later,
When red leaves adorn the autumn.
Writing delicate words of emotion,
Why use paper?

However, fearing that autumn deepens and leaves slowly wither.


The poem "Four Gardens Bamboo" by Yang Zemin, a poet from the Song Dynasty, paints a vivid picture of the autumn scenery with its elegant and poignant descriptions.

The poem begins by portraying the scene of a palace, drenched in the remnants of a colorful sunset and adorned with raindrops. The imagery of light streaming through the window evokes a sense of brilliance and purity. The falling bamboo leaves and the sound of crickets on the cold pavement add to the atmosphere of autumn, creating a serene and melancholic mood.

The speaker then expresses a sense of loneliness and longing for familiarity, perhaps in a foreign land. The sentiment of not being understood by those around them is palpable. The line "Who truly understands?" conveys a deep yearning for connection and empathy.

The third stanza brings forth reminiscence and nostalgia, as the speaker recalls a past when they were united in love and shared their hearts like peonies. However, this happiness has now faded, and they long for the return of joyful times. The anticipation of the "golden wind" and the arrival of autumn with its red leaves signify the passing of time and the hope for a new beginning.

The last two lines of the poem reflect the speaker's uncertainty and fear of losing their beloved as autumn progresses. Using the image of fading leaves, the speaker expresses their worry that their bond may gradually weaken or disappear.

Overall, "Four Gardens Bamboo" portrays a melancholic and yearning mood, skillfully interweaving the beauty of autumn with the fleeting nature of human connections. The poem explores themes such as nostalgia, longing, and the passage of time, drawing readers into a world of bittersweet emotions.



南宋乐安人。著有《和清真词》,时人合周邦彦、方千里词刻之,号三英集。作品有《瑞龙吟》、《琐窗寒》、《风流子 》、《渡江云》、《应天长 》、《荔枝香》、《还京乐》、《扫花游》、《玲珑四犯 》、《解连环》等。...