In the desolate garden, the old walls are crumbling, with a hundred broken sections. To the north is Liu, and to the south is He.
Today, we both look at each other from a distance, unable to meet. I feel hesitant and timid, like a traveler wearing worn-out shoes in Hengyang.
Even without fish in my kitchen, I may not go hungry. I can endure eating coarse rice and husks, grinding away my troubles.
My bed is not meant for ordinary objects to sit upon. Books serve as my companions, becoming my bed and pillow.
What is Liu doing? He is studying the melodies of the Shang and Chu states, while the delicate lady accompanies him with her plucked zither.
The joy of forgetting oneself lies in the rivers and lakes, where the most enlightened individuals are not devoid of human emotions.
Today is regrettable, as it is difficult to capture again. When the autumn wind blows from the west, do not try to hold me back.
In the days to come, our longing will span thousands of miles. Writing cannot fully express our feelings and only wastes paper.
“此日可惜难再图”出自宋代贺铸的《调北邻刘生》,诗句共7个字,诗句拼音为:cǐ rì kě xī nán zài tú,诗句平仄:仄仄仄平平仄平。
贺铸(1052~1125) 北宋词人。字方回,号庆湖遗老。汉族,卫州(今河南卫辉)人。宋太祖贺皇后族孙,所娶亦宗室之女。自称远祖本居山阴,是唐贺知章后裔,以知章居庆湖(即镜湖),故自号庆湖遗老。...