The year is coming to an end, and the outskirts of the city are desolate and lonely.
Translation: As the year draws to a close, the poet laments the solitude and desolation of his life in the outskirts.
The sun rises high, and the dairyman leaves the distant city.
Translation: The poet observes the sun rising high in the sky, while the dairyman goes about his daily routine, leaving the city behind.
Deep within the moss-covered walls of the banyan-lined path,
Translation: The poet describes a path lined with banyan trees and covered in moss.
Suddenly, a silver hairpin is being sold by a woodcutter.
Translation: Unexpectedly, a woodcutter appears, selling a silver hairpin.
“岁晚郊居苦寂寥”出自宋代刘克庄的《岁晚书事十首》,诗句共7个字,诗句拼音为:suì wǎn jiāo jū kǔ jì liáo,诗句平仄:仄仄平平仄仄平。
刘克庄(1187~1269) 南宋诗人、词人、诗论家。字潜夫,号后村。福建莆田人。宋末文坛领袖,辛派词人的重要代表,词风豪迈慷慨。在江湖诗人中年寿最长,官位最高,成就也最大。晚年致力于辞赋创作,提出了许多革新理论。...