这首诗词通过对热闹与宁静、繁华与质朴的描绘,反映了诗人对于人生价值和生活方式的思考。同时,诗人对于自己的年岁和不足之处的自省,也展示了他的内心深处的情感和成熟的思Here is an analysis of the poem you provided:
Title: "A Response to Liu Shuai's Outing"
Dynasty: Song Dynasty
Author: Liu Kezhuang
竞逐朱轓载酒行 (Competing in racing the red carriage, loaded with wine),
熙熙物态与人情 (Bustling with lively scenes and human emotions).
浴沂我欲寻儒服 (In Yuyi, I desire to seek refined clothing),
涉洧公方厌郑声 (Crossing the Wei River, officials are tired of the clamor of Zheng).
试问冶容遨夜市 (I ask about the beauty who roams the night market),
何如赤脚馌春耕 (How about embracing barefoot farming in spring)?
故山瓜圃应地恙 (The melon field of my old mountain is affected by the land's illness),
老去深知愧邵平 (Growing old, I deeply feel ashamed compared to Shao Ping).
Poetic Meaning and Appreciation:
The poem "A Response to Liu Shuai's Outing" depicts the poet Liu Kezhuang's experience of going on an outing with his friend Liu Shuai. They engage in a lively race, riding a red carriage and carrying wine. The journey is filled with joyful and bustling scenes, reflecting the liveliness of the surroundings and the emotions of the people.
In this vibrant and lively atmosphere, the poet desires to find a refined and cultured attire or demeanor that contrasts with the excitement. The mention of Yuyi indicates his longing for a refined clothing style or refinement in general, seeking a peaceful and serene contrast to the liveliness.
However, he discovers that officials on the banks of the Wei River (Wei Watercourse) are tired of the clamor and noise associated with the city of Zheng. This suggests that they have grown weary of the bustling and noisy atmosphere and are no longer interested in pursuing it.
The poet then poses a question to a beautiful woman who wanders through the night market, asking her if she would prefer the simple and humble act of barefoot farming in spring over the excitement of the market. This comparison symbolizes the choice between a simple and down-to-earth lifestyle and the pursuit of temporary pleasures.
Lastly, the poet mentions his old mountain's melon field, indicating his advanced age and a sense of regret and self-reflection. He feels a deep sense of shame when comparing himself to Shao Ping, a literary figure from the Song Dynasty, recognizing his own shortcomings.
This poem juxtaposes liveliness with tranquility, prosperity with simplicity, reflecting the poet's contemplation of the pursuit of life's values and lifestyle choices. The poet's self-reflection on his age and shortcomings reveals his inner emotions and mature thinking, highlighting the depth of his sentiment and contemplation.
“竞逐朱轓载酒行”出自宋代刘克庄的《次韵刘帅出郊一首》,诗句共7个字,诗句拼音为:jìng zhú zhū fān zài jiǔ xíng,诗句平仄:仄平平平仄仄平。
刘克庄(1187~1269) 南宋诗人、词人、诗论家。字潜夫,号后村。福建莆田人。宋末文坛领袖,辛派词人的重要代表,词风豪迈慷慨。在江湖诗人中年寿最长,官位最高,成就也最大。晚年致力于辞赋创作,提出了许多革新理论。...