
共 6 条近义词

  • 量才录用

    liàng cái lù yòng

    量才录用按照才能大小分配合适的工作。例亲的子孙并量才录用,伤夷残废者,别赐救接。——《旧五代史》英employ a person according to his abilities; give sb. employment suited to his abilities;[查看详情]

  • 实事求是

    shí shì qiú shì

    实事求是是一说一,是二说二,严格按照客观现实思考或办事。例我们对待问题应该实事求是。英seek truth from facts; be practical and realistic; be true to facts;[查看详情]

  • 量入为出

    liàng rù wéi chū

    量入为出支出在数量或程度上不超过收入。例居家过日子要量入为出。英base one's expenditure upon one's income; live within income; plan one's expenditure in the light of one's income;根据收入情况确定支出限度。例并用筹策计较府库量入为出。——《三国志卫觊传》英m[查看详情]

  • 度德量力

    duó dé liàng lì

    度德量力衡量自己的品德能否令人信服估计自己的能力能否胜任工作。例盘庚不为怨者故改其度度义而后动,是而不见可悔故也。——宋王安石《答司马谏议书》襄公不度德量力。——汉应劭《皇霸》英estimate one's own moral and material strength; make an appraisal of one's ow[查看详情]

  • 螳臂挡车

    táng bì dăng chē


  • 量体裁衣

    liàng tǐ cái yī

    量体裁衣比喻根据实际情况办事。例我们应该量体裁衣各家的经济基础不同我们应该从我们的实际出发。英act according to actual circumstances;[查看详情]