
共 4 条近义词

  • 听天由命

    tīng tiān yóu mìng

    听天由命听其自然发展天成忽视或放弃人本身的能动作用。英resign oneself to one's fate; submit to the will of Heaven; give hostage to fortune; trust to luck;[查看详情]

  • 无疾而终

    wú jí ér zhōng

    无疾而终没有病就死了比喻事物未受外力干扰就自行消灭了。英come to an eventual end;[查看详情]

  • 听其自然

    tīng qí zì rán

    听其自然任凭事情发展不作任何努力。英let things take their own course; leave enough alone; let matters stand; take the world as one finds it;[查看详情]

  • 听之任之

    tīng zhī rèn zhī

    听之任之听任不管。让它自由发展。英let sb.have his own way; leave things as they are; let matters drift;[查看详情]