共 10 条近义词
流亡被迫离开家乡或祖国流落逃亡在外。英be forced to leave one's native land; go into exile;[查看详情]
流离因饥荒战祸而居无定所到处逃难。例黎民流离困于道路。——《后汉书和殇帝纪》流离失散。英to become homeless and wander from place to place; be forced to leave home and wander about; live the life of a refugee;另有“淋漓”之义。[查看详情]
流浪生活没有着落到处漂泊。例流浪街头。英roam about (around); lead a vagrant life;[查看详情]
流寇到处流窜的盗匪。英roving bandit;流动不定的叛乱者。英roving rebel bands;[查看详情]
流窜到处乱窜。例流窜在山区的残匪不久都被消灭了。英flee hither and thither;[查看详情]
流散流转失散。英wander about and scatter;[查看详情]
飘泊同“漂泊”英lead a wandering life; rove;[查看详情]
落难遭到不幸;遭遇灾祸。英meet with misfortune;陷入困境。英be in distress; get into trouble;[查看详情]
漂泊随流漂流或停泊。例战艇在原地漂泊。英float;比喻无定所或职业生活不固定东奔西走。例漂泊半身。英rove; wander; lead a wandering life;[查看详情]
流荡闲荡,闲游。英roam about; be on the move;流浪。英rove; loaf about;[查看详情]