共 5 条近义词
席不暇暖连坐位也来不及坐暖形容事务繁忙。例白孤剑谁托悲歌自怜,迫于恓惶席不暇暖。——唐李白《上安州李长史书》英be in a tearing hurry;[查看详情]
目不暇接景色既美又多令人眼睛顾不及全看。例一切艺术的道理也是这样单一必然导致枯燥。而丰富多采、目不暇接则是绝大多数人所欢迎的。——秦牧《菊花与金鱼》英there are too many things for the eye to take in;[查看详情]
疲于奔命原指连续受到命令或强制而不得不四处奔走忙碌后来也指事情太多而忙不过来。例使敌疲于奔命人不得安业我未劳而彼已困,不及三年,可坐剋也。——《后汉书袁绍传》英be kept constantly on the run; be weighed down with work;[查看详情]
美不胜收美景多得看不过来;艺术品太美而目不睱接。英so many beautiful things that one simply can't take them all in; be too beautiful to be absorbed all at once;[查看详情]
捉襟见肘衣服破烂拉一下衣襟就露出胳膊肘儿比喻生活困难或处境窘迫。英have too many difficulties to cope with; pull down one's jacket to conceal the raggedness,only to expose one's albows;[查看详情]