共 8 条近义词
间不容发中间放置不下一根头发形容相距极微。例律厤迭相治其间不容发。——《大戴礼记》英a seamless heavenly robe——flawless; by the skin of one's teeth; by a hair's breadth; the difference is as narrow as a hair's breadth;比喻情势危急到极点。例其出不出间不容[查看详情]
风雨飘摇飘摇:本作“漂摇”一作飘荡。形容动荡不安形势很不稳定。例死生契阔心如铁风雨飘摇鬓欲丝。——宋范成大《石湖诗集》英swaying in the storm; be buffeted by wind and rain;危险的有危险的。例一家风雨飘摇的企业。英venturous; precarious;[查看详情]
土崩瓦解如土之崩坠、瓦之破碎。比喻彻底崩溃、不可收拾。例封建帝制不是早就土崩瓦解了吗。英crumble; disintegrate; collapse like a house of cards; fall apart; fall to pieces; go to hell in a hack;[查看详情]
一触即溃刚一接触就立即溃散。形容军队无斗志丧失战斗力。英collapse at the first encounter;[查看详情]
一发千钧一根头发吊着千钧重物。比喻情况万分危急。也说“千钧一发”英with the sword of Damocles above one's head;[查看详情]
奄奄一息只剩下微弱的气息。形容呼吸微弱濒于死亡。例贾琏走到旁边见凤姐奄奄一息,就有多少怨言一时也说不出来。——《红楼梦》英at one's last gasp; on the blink; on the verge of death;[查看详情]
摇摇欲坠形容非常危险快要倒塌或掉下来。英tottering; crumbling; ramshackle; be on the verge of total collapse;[查看详情]