共 9 条近义词
依托依靠;凭借。英depend on; support; backing; prop;[查看详情]
倚赖依赖;依靠。英rely on; count on;[查看详情]
依靠凭借。例依靠父母的资助。英depend on; rely on;[查看详情]
凭借依恃;用…的手段。例凭借我现在职务所赋与我的权威。英by force of;[查看详情]
寄托委托别人照料。例寄托侍者。——唐李朝威《柳毅传》寄托孩子给别人看带。英entrust to the care of sb.; leave with;寄理想、情感于某人或某事物上。英place hope on;托身安身。例无可寄托。——《荀子劝学》英settled place for life; take shelter; settle down;[查看详情]
依附附着;依赖;从属。例依附权贵。英become an appendage to; depend on; attach oneself to;[查看详情]
依存依靠于某人或某物而生存。例相互依存。英depend for existence;[查看详情]
仰赖依靠;依赖。英rely on;[查看详情]
仰仗依靠依赖;依仗。英rely in sb. for backing or support;[查看详情]