共 4 条近义词
热恋热烈地恋爱;恋爱的热烈难分阶段。英be passionately in love; be head over heels in love;深深眷恋。例我热恋的故土。英deeply in love;[查看详情]
迷恋强烈的、通常是极度的爱慕。例迷恋理想中的情人。迷恋搓麻。英be addicted to; be infatuated with; madly cling to;[查看详情]
留恋舍不得离开或舍弃。例临毕业时同学们对学校都十分留恋。英be reluctant to leave(a place); can't bear to part from sb.;对往日、往事的怀念。例留恋过去。英recall with nostalgia; think of all the time; hanker after;[查看详情]
眷恋非常留恋。例感存念亡触物眷恋。——卢谌《赠刘琨。一首并序》身在海外他时时眷恋着故土。英be sentimentally attached to (a person or a place);[查看详情]