共 8 条近义词
有机可乘有机会可趁有空子可钻。例闻之窃喜其有机可乘。——《聊斋志异》英an opportunity to be taken advantage of;[查看详情]
避坑落井避开了坑又掉进了井。比喻躲过了祸,又遇到了害。英get out of the frying pan into the fire;[查看详情]
落井下石见人掉入陷井不去求援,反而扔下石头加害。比喻乘人之危予以陷害。英hit a person when he’s down; avail oneself of the time when sb.is in difficulty to make an attack;[查看详情]
趁火打劫利用失火的混乱时机行劫比喻趁人之危从中取利。英try to profit from another’s misfortune; rob the owner while his house is on fire;[查看详情]
浑水摸鱼比喻乘混乱的时机从中捞取不正当的利益。例少数豪门浑水摸鱼,越来越富,越花越有。英fish in troubled waters; try to make a calamity the means to personal profit;[查看详情]
雪上加霜再次遭难而受到更严重的伤害。英one disaster after another; calamities come in succession as frost is added on top of snow;[查看详情]