共 27 条近义词
不可一世形容人自以为高人一等目空一切,今多含有讽刺的意味。例圆圆的脸盘两目炯炯有光,于盎然春气里时时流露不可一世的精神。——《孽海花》英be on the high ropes; be domineering; surpass the world;[查看详情]
贼心不死比喻坏主意还没有打消。英refuse to give up one’s evil designs;[查看详情]
为所欲为想做什么就做什么;任意行事。英do as one pleases; act wilfully; do whatever one likes; have one's own way;[查看详情]
为鬼为蜮指暗中伤人的魔鬼与孤蜮。比喻阴险害人的行为和伎俩。例为鬼为蜮则不可得。——《诗经》设使像法至今未行将尽堕恶道,为鬼为蜮乎?——唐卢肇《宣州新兴寺碑铭序》英bit someone with schemes and intrigues; be scheming and malicious;[查看详情]
作威作福恃仗权势欺凌弱小滥施淫威。英tyrannically abuse one’s power; ride roughshod over others; lord; act like a tyrant;[查看详情]
无法无天不怕法律也不怕天道报应。形容肆无忌惮胡作非为。英wild; without law and order; defy all laws; become absolutely lawless; run wild;[查看详情]