
共 3 条近义词

  • 坐地分赃

    zuò dì fēn zāng

    坐地分赃匪首、窝主等不亲自去作案而坐等分取赃物。英take a share of the spoils without participating personally in the robbery;[查看详情]

  • 不劳而获

    bù láo ér huò

    不劳而获不要花费自己的劳力而取得占有权。例他们在这里过着不劳而获穷奢极欲的生活。英profit by other people's toil; reap without sowing;[查看详情]

  • 民脂民膏

    mín zhī mín gāo

    民脂民膏比喻人民流血流汗创造出来的财富。英the hard-won possession of the people; fat of the people; flesh and blood of the people; substance or wealth of the nation; the people's lifeblood;[查看详情]