
共 6 条词语

  • 卖儿鬻女

    mài ér yù nǚ


  • 民不聊生

    mín bù liáo shēng

    民不聊生形容人民不能安定生活。例公私劳扰民不聊生。——苏轼《上神宗皇帝书》话中单说建州饥荒斗米千钱,民不聊生。——《京本通俗小说》英the people have no means of livelihood; It is hard for the people to survive; life for the people is intolerable; the peopl[查看详情]

  • 啼饥号寒

    tí jī háo hán

    啼饥号寒因饥寒交迫而啼哭。英cry from hunger and cold; cry in hunger and cold;形容饥寒交迫、生活极端困苦。英live in hunger and cold; be poverty-stricken;[查看详情]

  • 贫病交迫

    pín bìng jiāo pò


  • 饥寒交迫

    jī hán jiāo pò

    饥寒交迫受冷挨饿穷困之极。英be poverty-stricken; be hungry and pinched with cold; live in pestering hunger and cold; suffer cold and hunger; be miserable from cold and hunger;[查看详情]

  • 饥肠辘辘

    jī cháng lù lù
