
共 8 条词语

  • 门堪罗雀

    mén kān luó què


  • 无人问津

    wú rén wèn jīn

    无人问津津,渡口。没有多少人关心询问。例后遂无问津者。——陶渊明《桃花源记》英moribund; be nobody's business; nobody cares to ask sth.; not be attended to by anybody;现形容毫无生气。[查看详情]

  • 形只影单

    xíng zhī yǐng dān


  • 空谷足音

    kōng gǔ zú yīn

    空谷足音空旷的山谷里听到的人的脚步声。比喻十分难得极为可贵的。例这就是十一位举人中的空谷足音。——《醒世姻缘》英the sound of footsteps in a deserted valley-a news or a statement which one does not hear often,or a thing that was seldom to found;[查看详情]

  • 形影相吊

    xíng yǐng xiāng diào

    形影相吊只有与影子相伴。形容非常孤单寂寞。例茕茕孑立形影相吊。——晋李密《陈情表》英body and shadow comforting each other——extremely lonely;[查看详情]

  • 门可罗雀

    mén kě luó què

    门可罗雀门外可设雀罗捕鸟。形容宾客很少家里很安静或社会交往很少。英one can catch sparrows on the door steps of a house where visitors are few and far between; deserted;[查看详情]

  • 荒无人烟

    huāng wú rén yān

    荒无人烟荒凉没有人迹。例荒无人烟的戈壁。英desolate and uninhabited;[查看详情]

  • 形单影只

    xíng dān yǐng zhī

    形单影只形影只有一个。形容孤独没有人做伴。例在孙惟汝在子惟吾,两世一身,形单影只。——唐韩愈《祭十二郎文》英a solitary form; be extremely lonely with but one form and single shadow;[查看详情]