共 6 条词语
罪不容诛罪恶极大处死也不能抵罪。例本身所犯罪不容诛,但留些阴骘与你们子孙好承袭。——明孙高亮《于谦全传》英even death cannot atone for the offense; be guilty of crimes for which even death is sufficient punishment;[查看详情]
罪孽深重罪愆之大如水之深,如山之重。例言虽如此,但我自知罪孽深重,一生忏悔不来。——《三侠五义》英be sinful;[查看详情]
罪大恶极罪孽深重恶贯满盈。英be guilty of the most atrocious crimes;[查看详情]
千夫所指被许多人谴责。形容犯了众怒。例千夫所指其倾覆可立而期。——章炳麟《联省自治虚置政府议》英be subjected to the censure of everybody;[查看详情]
万劫不复指国家破坏不堪或个人堕落太甚而难于恢复。比喻浩劫极重受影响极大。英beyond redemption; be doomed eternally;[查看详情]
罪该万死极言罪恶深重就是处死一万次也不足以偿其罪。例奴婢们没有进寝宫来重敷衾褥这是奴婢们的罪该万死。——《孽海花》英be guilty of crimes for which even death can’t atone; guilty of a crime for which it deserves to die ten thousand times;[查看详情]