
共 10 条词语

  • 物以类聚

    wù yǐ lèi jù

    物以类聚性质接近的事物往往集聚一处。例物以类聚,人以群分。英things of one kind come together; like draws to like the world over; birds of a feather flock together;[查看详情]

  • 形影相随

    xíng yǐng xiāng suí

    形影相随见“形影相追”英follow like a shadow-have a close relationship;[查看详情]

  • 针芥相投

    zhēn jiè xiāng tóu


  • 唇揭齿寒

    chún jiē chǐ hán


  • 唇亡齿寒

    chún wáng chǐ hán

    唇亡齿寒唇没有了牙齿就寒冷。比喻双方休戚相关荣辱与共。英mutual dependency of neighboring countries when confronted with a powerful and aggressive enemy; share a common lot;[查看详情]

  • 兼容并蓄

    jiān róng bìng xù


  • 并行不悖

    bìng xíng bù bèi

    并行不悖彼此同时进行不相妨碍。例写诗与糊口不能并行不悖。英do not interfere with one another; be not mutually exclusive;[查看详情]

  • 臭味相投

    chòu wèi xiāng tóu

    臭味相投例有坏思想坏作风的人在志趣、习惯等各方面都相同彼此合得来。他们为什么这么亲密,臭味相投嘛!英meeting of dirty minds;[查看详情]

  • 形影不离

    xíng yǐng bù lí

    形影不离见“形影相追”英inseparable as body and shadow; be always together;[查看详情]

  • 息息相关

    xī xī xiāng guān

    息息相关彼此呼吸都连在一起。比喻关系非常密切。例二者皆与扎营踞地息息相关者也。——清严复《救亡决论》英be closely bound up;[查看详情]