
共 5 条词语

  • 销声匿迹

    xiāo shēng nì jì

    销声匿迹指隐藏起来不公开露面。例他生平最是趋炎附势的如何肯销声匿迹?——清李宝嘉《官场现形记》英occultation; disappear from the scene; keep silent and lie low;[查看详情]

  • 石沉大海

    shí chén dà hăi

    石沉大海石头沉入大海。比喻始终不见踪影或杳无音信;也比喻事情没有下文。例出门去没一个人知道恰便似石沉大海,铁坠江涛,无根蓬草,断线风筝。——元张国宾《罗李郎大闹相国寺》英disappear forever; like a stone dropped into the sea that produce no reaction;[查看详情]

  • 灰飞烟灭

    huī fēi yān miè


  • 付之一炬

    fù zhī yī jù

    付之一炬一把火烧掉。例吾党菁华付之一炬。——孙文《〈黄花冈七十二烈士事略〉 序》英commit to the flames;[查看详情]

  • 一蹶不振

    yī jué bù zhèn

    一蹶不振一遭到失败或挫折就再也振作不起来。英collapse after one setback; be in shambles; curl up; never be able to recover after a setback;[查看详情]