
共 2 条词语

  • 老马识途

    lăo mă shí tú

    老马识途比喻富于经验堪为先导。例老马识途添病骨穷猿投树择深枝。——清黄景仁《两当轩集》英an experienced man knows the ropes; knowledge of a veteran; an old hand is a good guid as an old horse knows the way; the devil knows many things because he is old;[查看详情]

  • 豁然开朗

    huò rán kāi lăng

    豁然开朗形容由狭窄幽暗一变为宽阔明亮。比喻顿时通达领悟。例初极窄才通人,复行数十步,豁然开朗。——晋陶潜《桃花源记》英the view suddenly cleared up; suddenly see sth. in a clear light;[查看详情]