共 8 条词语
欺上瞒下欺骗上级蒙蔽下级。英deceive one’s superiors and delude one’s subordinates;[查看详情]
勾心斗角指用心计、耍心眼明争暗斗,相互排挤。例业主们勾心斗角。这个人虽然年轻却善用心计,平日里禁不住会干些勾心斗角的勾当所以人缘很坏。英plot and wrangle; confront and intrigue against each other and get locked in strife;[查看详情]
难言之隐隐藏在内心深处难以说出口的事。英be hard to state what ails one in the mird; painful topic; sth.hard to speak out;[查看详情]
明枪暗箭公然的攻击或背后的陷害。英overt and covert attack;[查看详情]
巧言令色用动听的言语和伪善的面目取悦于人。例巧言令色鲜矣仁。——《论语学而》英artful words and insinuating countenance;[查看详情]
掩耳盗铃把耳朵捂住去偷铃铛。比喻欺骗不了别人只能欺骗自己。例今若宿驿正犹掩耳盗铃也。——明赵弼《钟离叟妪传》英plug one's ears while stealing a bell; deceive oneself as an ostrich that buries its head in the sand;[查看详情]
尔虞我诈互相诈骗。英each trying to cheat or outwit the other;[查看详情]