
共 5 条词语

  • 天渊之别

    tiān yuān zhī bié

    天渊之别比喻高、下相差甚远区别甚大。英as far as heaven from the abyss of the ocean; as far apart as the land and sky;[查看详情]

  • 迥然不同

    jiǒng rán bù tóng


  • 瞠乎其后

    chēng hū qí hòu

    瞠乎其后在后面干瞪眼想赶而赶不上。形容远远落在后头。英be left far behind, without any hope of catching up;[查看详情]

  • 分道扬镳

    fēn dào yáng biāo

    分道扬镳扬镳:驱马前进。英separate and go different ways;指分路而行。比喻志趣目的不同而分别行事。[查看详情]

  • 背道而驰

    bèi dào ér chí

    背道而驰朝着相反方向的道路奔跑。比喻彼此方向目标完全相反。例像背道而驰其实倒是心心相印。——鲁迅《坟》英go(run) in the opposite direction; run counter to;[查看详情]