共 11 条词语
翻云覆雨翻手为云,覆手为雨。比喻反复无常或惯于玩弄手段。英produce clouds with one turn of the hand and rain with another; (fig) given to playing tricks; shifty;[查看详情]
见异思迁缺乏主见这山望着那山高,遇到不一样的就改变趋向。英change one’s mind the moment one sees something new; fondness of novelty prompts frequent changes; look for a change for sth.better;[查看详情]
朝秦暮楚时而倾向秦国时而倾向楚国,比喻反复无常。英serve the State of Qin in the morning and the State of Chu in the evening—quick to switch sides;早上在秦国晚上在楚国,比喻行踪不定。英indefinite;[查看详情]
口血未干古代会盟时必歃血因以指新近结盟。例口血未干而背之。——《左传》英before the blood of the oath is dry—breaking an oath which is just made;[查看详情]
鸟尽弓藏鸟打完了,就把弓收藏起来。比喻天下既定或大功告成之后就把曾经出过力的人一脚踢开。英cast sb.aside when be has served his purpose; kick sb. out after his services are no longer required,as the bow and arrow are stacked away when there are no more bir[查看详情]
情随事迁感情随事物的变化而变迁。例情随事迁感概系之矣。——晋王羲之《兰亭集序》英one's emotion changes as the conditions alter;[查看详情]
朝三暮四原来比喻用诈术欺骗人。后来用以比喻变化多端捉摸不定。例朝三暮四昨非今是,痴儿不解荣枯事。——元乔吉《山坡羊冬日写怀》英blow hot and cold;[查看详情]
兔死狗烹把抓住兔子的猎狗烹煮吃掉。比喻成就事业后就把有功之臣杀了只能共患难不能共欢乐。多指独裁专权。英cook the hound when the hares have been run down; trusted aides are eliminated when they have outlived their usefulness,as the hounds are killed for food[查看详情]