
共 5 条词语

  • 一枕黄粱

    yī zhěn huáng liáng

    一枕黄粱见“黄粱梦”故事。一枕富贵梦落得一场空。英fool's paradise; pipe dream;[查看详情]

  • 事与愿违

    shì yú yuàn wéi

    事与愿违事情的发展与愿望相违背。英things go contrary to one's wishes;[查看详情]

  • 适得其反

    shì dé qí făn

    适得其反适:恰恰。恰恰得到相反的结果。英run counter to one’s desire; the result is just the contrary; accomplish the very opposite;[查看详情]

  • 走投无路

    zǒu tóu wú lù

    走投无路形容走到无投身之地前无生路。英have no way out; be in an impasse; be up against the wall; come to the end of one’s tether;[查看详情]

  • 南柯一梦

    nán kē yī mèng

    南柯一梦唐代淳于棼做梦到大槐安国享受富贵荣华醒来后发现乃一场大梦大槐安国原来是大槐树下蚁穴。后用此典故比喻梦幻境界的事。英Nanke dream(from the story of a man who dreamed that he became governor of Nanke in the Kingdom of the Ants); illusory joy; fond drea[查看详情]