
共 3 条词语

  • 不合时宜

    bù hé shí yí

    不合时宜不符合当前的潮流与当前的社会思想、习俗等不相投合。例闻得他因不合时宜权势不容竟投到这里来。——《红楼梦》凭君莫漫夸流俗不合时宜未可师。——柳亚子《为何香凝先生题画》英be incompatible with present needs; untimely;亦称“不入时宜”[查看详情]

  • 一概而论

    yī gài ér lùn

    一概而论指不作分析不加区别对不同事物都同样对待。英lump together under one head; treat different matters as the same;[查看详情]

  • 刻舟求剑

    kè zhōu qiú jiàn

    刻舟求剑比喻看问题做事情死板不灵活不知情随势变。英be stubbornly unimaginative as the man who marked the boat to find his lost sword; take measures without regard to changes in circumstances;[查看详情]