共 4 条词语
偃旗息鼓放倒军旗,停止击鼓。指秘密行军不暴露目标。也指停止战斗。比喻停止做某事。例突厥受诏则诸蕃君长必相率而来。虽偃旗息鼓,高枕有余矣。——《旧唐书裴光庭传》英call off the army maneuvers; cease(stop) all military activities and lie low; lower the flags a[查看详情]
醉生梦死像喝醉了酒或做梦似的糊里糊涂地活着。例他终日醉生梦死虽有高才明智,又有何用。此后他只是醉生梦死,以此了此一生。英live as if intoxicated or dreaming; lead a befuddled life as if drunk or dreaming; dream away one’s time;[查看详情]
铺张浪费为讲究排场而浪费人力物力。例提倡勤俭节约反对铺张浪费。英extravagance and waste;[查看详情]
解甲归田脱掉铠甲回家种田。英take off the armour and return to the farm;退伍回家重过平民生活。英quit military service and resume civilian life;[查看详情]