共 10 条词语
识途老马比喻熟悉某种事情,经验丰富的人。英an old horse which knows the way;[查看详情]
登堂入室登上厅堂又进入内室。比喻学问由浅入深、循序渐进、达到更高的水平。亦比喻学艺深得师传。例皆黄门登堂入室者实自足以名家。——宋吴炯《五总志》英pass through the hall into the inner chamber——reach a higher level in one's studies or fecome more proficie[查看详情]
羽毛丰满发展成熟、强大。例有羽毛丰满而高栖于奥援者令人可望而不可即。——清佚名《杜诗言志》英become full-fledged;[查看详情]
老马识途比喻富于经验堪为先导。例老马识途添病骨穷猿投树择深枝。——清黄景仁《两当轩集》英an experienced man knows the ropes; knowledge of a veteran; an old hand is a good guid as an old horse knows the way; the devil knows many things because he is old;[查看详情]
曾经沧海已曾经历过沧海多变的世道。比喻世事变迁之巨及经历之多眼界非常开阔不把平常的事物放在眼里。例典出《孟子尽心上》:“故观于海者难为水游于圣人之门者难为言。”曾经沧海难为水除却巫山不是云。——唐元稹《离思》英have crossed the deep,blue sea; having seen a[查看详情]
老谋深算精明干练考虑问题周密。例这人绰号“老狐狸”老谋深算,诡计多端,很难对付。英be circumspect and farseeing; be experienced and astute; be scheming and calculating; make every move only after mature deliberation;[查看详情]
饱经沧桑经历的世事变化多阅历丰富。例饱经沧桑的一生。英having experienced great changes in the world;[查看详情]
身经百战亲身参加过很多次战斗。例老将军身经百战。英have fought a hundred battles; be a veteran of many wars;[查看详情]
老成持重阅历多经验丰富,遇事沉着稳重。例而老成持重坐靡岁月,终于无成者不可胜数。——清魏善伯《留侯论》英be experienced and prudent; be rich in years and sound of judgment;[查看详情]