共 4 条词语
问心无愧心地光明坦白毫无愧疚。英have a clear conscience; feel no qualms upon selfexamination;[查看详情]
理直气壮理由充分言行因而有气势。例只要我们理直气壮,怕他怎的!英be in the right and selfconfident; be self-confident on the strength of one's being right; justly and forcefully; speak with compelling argument;[查看详情]
心安理得自信做的事情有理心里坦然。例到后来忘却了真相信了谎,也就心安理得,天趣盎然了起来。——鲁迅《病后杂谈》英feel at ease and justified; have an easy conscience;[查看详情]
若无其事好像没有那回事似的。形容态度镇静或漠不关心。例若无其事的捧了一杯茶来。——茅盾《霜叶红似二月花》英as if nothing had happened; calmly; casually;[查看详情]