共 4 条词语
轻装上阵原指古代作战战士不披铁甲上阵行动灵便。现在常用来比喻放下各种思想包袱轻松愉快地工作。例他把家事处理完毕决心轻装上阵,回厂大干一番。英go into battle with a light pack;[查看详情]
轻车熟路驾着轻载的车在熟路上行走。比喻有经验的事情容易办好。例逸气轩眉宇似王良轻车熟路,骅骝欲舞。——宋辛弃疾《贺新郎》英as facile as traveling along a familiar road in light carriage;[查看详情]
无所作为不努力去做出成绩或没有做出成绩。例她尽管没有做到年轻有为但也没有让自己无所作为。英let go; be in a state of inertia; attempt nothing and accomplish nothing;[查看详情]
无所事事游手好闲不肯效力,不求上进。英be occupied with nothing; be at loose ends; idle away one's time; have nothing to do;[查看详情]