共 11795 条词语
走红走红运;很吃得开。英be in luck; have good luck; be popular; be much sought after;[查看详情]
走私秘密地违法地进口或出口。例走私文物。英smuggle;有外遇。例有这样一个绝对忠实的丈夫我起码不用操心他会走私。英have extra-marital affairs;[查看详情]
走马骑着马跑。例平原走马。英gallop or trot along on horseback;善跑的马。例团长有一匹棕色马是匹好走马。英a horse which can run fast; flying horse;[查看详情]
走向朝着一个方向、目的行进或发展。例走向胜利。英move towards; head for; turn into; march to; be in transition to;[查看详情]
听诊用听诊法检查;听取器官(如肺或心脏)内发出的声音作为诊断和治疗的辅助的行为此项检查可由使用听诊器或直接贴耳于身体而进行。英auscultate; auscultation;[查看详情]
听而不闻看上去在听实际上没听见。形容心不在焉神不专注。例视而不见听而不闻。——《大学》英hear but pay no attention; turn a deaf ear to; listen but not hear;[查看详情]
听凭听任;任凭。例听凭别人的摆布。英allow; let;[查看详情]
听任随其发展不加干预。英allow; let;[查看详情]
听政坐朝处理政务;主持国政。英administer the affairs of State; hold court;[查看详情]
听候遵命等候。例听候决定。英wait for a decision;[查看详情]
听信等候信息。例你明日再来听信吧。英wait for information;听而相信。例听信谣言。英believe; believe what one has heard;[查看详情]
听讲听人讲授;上课。英listen to a talk or a lecture; attend a lecture; sit in on a class;[查看详情]
听命听从命令;听从上级或长辈的话。英take orders from; be at one’s command;听天由命;听其自然。英resign oneself to one’s fate; let things take their own course;[查看详情]
听从接受并服从。例听从他的劝告。英obey; listen to; accept; heed; comply with;[查看详情]
听课听一堂课。英visit (或sit in on )a class;听一个讲演。英attend a lecture;听老师讲课。英listen to teachers;[查看详情]
听取接受;听意见、反映、汇报等。例听取汇报。英listen to; hear;[查看详情]
听说听人所说。例听说他到海口去了。听说她现已结婚。英hear; understand; be told; get wind of;[查看详情]
盯住逼近某人紧盯某人。例太多的债主在盯住他逼债。英breathe down one's neck;集中或显著地注意。例他的蓝眼睛锐利而热切地盯住将军。英fasten;[查看详情]
盯梢暗中跟踪、监视。也作“钉梢”英shadow sb.; tail sb.;[查看详情]