
共 64 条词语

  • 草绿

    căo lǜ

    草绿绿而略黄的颜色。即“军装绿”英grass green;[查看详情]

  • 风吹草动

    fēng chuī căo dòng

    风吹草动有风吹,草就动。喻指因轻微的动作而发生影响。例万一有些风吹草动不要我管门起来赶得出去,就是个死。——《二刻拍案惊奇》英the slightest sign of disturbance; at the mere rustle of leaves in the wind; be sensitive to the slightest upset as the grass ben[查看详情]

  • 草皮

    căo pí

    草皮连泥带土铲下来的草用来绿化铺草坪或沤作农家肥。英sod; turf;[查看详情]

  • 潦草

    liáo căo

    潦草字不工整。字迹潦草。英hasty and careless; illegible (hand-writing);不仔细;不认真干活儿潦草。英sloppy; slovenly;颓丧;失意。例潦草生涯。英dejected; dispirited;[查看详情]