共 81 条词语
群魔乱舞比喻许多坏人猖狂活动。英pandemonium; evil spirits of all kinds dance in a riotous revelry a host of demons dancing in riotous revelry—rogues of all kinds running wild;[查看详情]
蠹虫蛀蚀树木、器物的虫子。英a kind of insect that eats into books,clothing,etc.; book motheating insect; vermin;比喻从内部损害集体的坏人。[查看详情]
引蛇出洞比喻引诱坏人进行活动使之暴露。英draw snake out of its hole;[查看详情]
锄奸铲除奸臣、奸细。例锄奸务尽。英eliminate traitors,ferret out spies;[查看详情]
一丘之貉同一个山丘上的貉比喻彼此同是丑类没有什么差别。英birds of a feather; nothing to choose between them; jackals from the same lair;[查看详情]
暴徒用暴力侵犯他人人身、抢劫财产的人。英bandit; brute; ruffian; thug;[查看详情]
以毒攻毒原义为用毒药治毒疮引申为利用坏人、坏事之间的矛盾使其自取灭亡。例而劫痼改积巴菽殂葛犹不得而后之以毒攻毒有至仁焉。——宋罗泌《路史有巢氏》英Take a bit of the dog that bit you; Evil must be driven out by evil;[查看详情]
落水狗掉在水里的狗。英dog in the water;喻失势的坏人。英bad people who are down;[查看详情]
丑类坏人恶人。例丑类恶物。——《左传文公十八年》英gang of scoundrels;[查看详情]
姑息养奸纵容奸宄而酿成大恶;过分宽容就会助长坏人坏事。英to tolerate evil is to abet it; coddling wrong only helps the devil.;[查看详情]
地头蛇指在当地有势力的欺压人民的恶霸现在也用来比喻本地有一定能量的人物。英local bully (villain);[查看详情]
鬼迷心窍比喻一时糊涂。例唉!我这个死脑筋刚才真是鬼迷心窍了连这个弯儿也转不过来。英be haunted; be possessed by ghost;[查看详情]
打落水狗已经落水的狗也必须坚决打击。比喻要彻底打跨处于失败地位的凶恶敌人。也指不能放过已失势的坏人。“落水狗”。比喻受到重大打击的凶恶的坏人或敌人。英beat a drowning dog; (fig) completely crush a defeated enemy; beat the mad dog even through it is already[查看详情]
妖魔鬼怪传说中的妖精和恶魔。比喻形形色色的作恶害人者。英forces of evil as ghosts and goblins; every descrption;[查看详情]
鬼蜮害人的鬼和怪物。例妖为鬼蜮必成灾。为鬼为蜮则不可得。——《诗小雅何人斯》鬼蜮实难测魑魅乃不若。——黄遵宪《逐客篇》英evil spirit;比喻阴险的人。因鬼与蜮都是暗中害人之物(蜮:传说中在水里暗中害人的怪物)例鬼蜮欲出笼九天有霹雾。——《天安门诗八首》身受鬼蜮陷[查看详情]
歹人〈方〉:行为不正的人。多指强盗。例却才见你们窥望惟恐是歹人,因此赶来看一看。——《水浒传》英bandit; rascal; rowdy;[查看详情]
大快人心多指坏人受到惩治坏事受到取缔人们心里觉得痛快。例老江你看多么大快人心呀!——杨沫《青春之歌》英affording general satisfaction;[查看详情]
粉墨登场妆化好了,上台演戏。比喻人们开始在社会上、政坛上等活动起来(含贬义)英ascend the stage with powder and rouge make-up; do one's costume and appear on the stage;[查看详情]