
共 4 条近音词

  • 查房

    chá fáng

    查房对宿舍或病房进行检查探视。英make the rounds of the wards in a hospital;[查看详情]

  • 茶房

    chá fáng

    茶房放茶食、烧开水的地方。英room in which the boiled water are placed;旧称茶馆、旅店、火车、剧场等处的供应茶水及做杂务的工人。英waiter; boy; bellboy; bellhop; hotel page;[查看详情]

  • 察访

    chá făng

    察访调查访问。英inquire; investigate; look into; go about to find out;[查看详情]

  • 查访

    chá făng

    查访调查访问。例查访案情。英go around and make inquiries; investigate;[查看详情]