共 7 条近义词
穷途末路形容处境窘困已到了无路可走的地步。例你如今是穷途末路举目无依。——清文康《儿女英雄传》英strait; at one's last gasp; be driven into an impasse; be (stand) at bay; come to the end;亦作“末路穷途”[查看详情]
无计可施寻找不出恰当的对策。例小姐醒来句句记得,将子抱定,无计可施。——《西游记》英be at one's wits' end; at the end of one's rope;[查看详情]
山穷水尽比喻走投无路陷入绝境。英where the mountains and the rivers end—at the end of one's rope;[查看详情]
束手无策困难时无可以渡过难关的办法无计可施。例觉民对那许多人的束手无策感到失望。——巴金《秋》英without resource;[查看详情]
日暮途穷太阳下山路到尽头。比喻陷入绝境。例几年春草歇今日暮途穷。——唐杜甫《投赠哥舒开府翰二十韵》英be on its last legs;[查看详情]
一筹莫展筹:计策。展:施展。一点计策也想不出;一点儿办法也没有。英be put in a tight spot; be at the end of one's tether;[查看详情]