共 16 条近义词
当仁不让当:面对。仁:正义之事。《论语卫灵公》:“当仁不让于师。”后以“当仁不让”表示应做之事就应积极主动去做不能推托。例夫人臣依义显君竭忠彰主,行之美也,当仁不让。——《后汉书曹褒传》英not decline to shoulder a responsibility; in good cause do not lag[查看详情]
济困扶危亦称“扶危济困”指救济、扶助生活困难或境况危急的人。英help those in distress and aid those in peril;[查看详情]
义不容辞为了道义、大局不能推辞。英one's sense of honour makes it impossible to refuse; have a bounden duty;[查看详情]
打抱不平遇到不公平的事挺身而出,帮助受欺负的一方。例你要是个男人出去打一个抱不平儿你又充什么荆轲聂政?真真好笑!——《红楼梦》英help victims of injustice; defend sb. against an injustice; right wrongs and defend innocence;[查看详情]
扶危济困帮助生活或处境困难的人。例你我是行侠仗义理宜扶危济困,翦恶除奸。——《三侠五义》英help the people in trouble; help those in distress and lend support to those in danger or in need;[查看详情]
疾恶如仇憎恨邪恶就同憎恨仇人一样。英hate evil like an enemy abhor evils as deadly foes; abhor evils as if they were personal enemies; hate the wicked as you do your enemies;[查看详情]
拔刀相助路见不平之事或遇人危难仗义相助是见义勇为的豪举。英draw one's sword to give assistance; help to set right a wrong; to help another for the sake of justice;[查看详情]
铤而走险指没有办法只得冒险。英risk danger in desperation; desperate; make a reckless move; rush headlong into danger;[查看详情]
急公好义热心公益乐于助人。英public-spirited; be zealous for common weal;[查看详情]
无所畏惧大胆;毫不惧怕地面对险情和难题迎着困难上。例胆小一些的人可能会犹豫而他完全是无所畏惧的。英fearless; daring; dauntless; bold;[查看详情]
挺身而出遇险临危奋身勇出,负起重任。英step forward boldly; stand up and volunteer to help; fling oneself into the breach;[查看详情]
无私无畏因为不自私而无所畏惧的。例以无私无畏青年的勇气蔑视强大的敌人。英be selfless and fearless;[查看详情]
雪中送炭下雪天送炭给人。比喻在他人急需时给以及时的帮助。例只有锦上添花那得雪中送炭。——明凌濛初《初刻拍案惊奇》英help in one’s hour of need;[查看详情]