
共 3 条近义词

  • 瞒天过海

    mán tiān guò hăi

    瞒天过海比喻采取欺骗手段暗中进行活动。英cross the sea under camouflage; deceive as one who cheats boldly and cleverly; very clear and daring in deceiving others;[查看详情]

  • 掩人耳目

    yăn rén ěr mù

    掩人耳目掩:遮盖。堵住人的耳朵遮住人的眼睛。比喻以假象来蒙蔽别人。例那两个和尚却不都烧死?又好掩人耳目。——《西游记》英deceive the public; hood wink people;[查看详情]

  • 一手遮天

    yì shǒu zhē tiān

    一手遮天倚仗权势玩弄手段瞒上欺下。英hoodwink the public; hide the truth from the masses;[查看详情]