
共 5 条近义词

  • 不计其数

    bù jì qí shù

    不计其数数目甚多无法计算或不甚记。例船面上坐的人口男男女女,不计其数。——《老残游记》英too many to be counted; innumerable;[查看详情]

  • 卷帙浩繁

    juàn zhì hào fán


  • 汗牛充栋

    hàn niú chōng dòng

    汗牛充栋形容书籍存放很多。用牛运输牛累得出汗;书堆满屋子顶到栋梁。例又有徒党传习日不 暇给,又其书汗牛充栋。——宋陆九渊《与林叔虎书》英enough books to make the ox carrying them sweat or to fill a house to the rafters—an immense number of books;[查看详情]

  • 不可胜数

    bù kě shèng shǔ

    不可胜数形容数目极多数不过来。英beyond compute; be out of count;[查看详情]

  • 星罗棋布

    xīng luó qí bù

    星罗棋布像群星罗列像棋子分布。形容数量多而广。例群圉牧监,星罗棋布。——明陈琏《皆山轩赋》英spread all over the place be dotted like stars in the sky and scattered like the pieces on a chessboard;[查看详情]