
共 3 条近义词

  • 生灵涂炭

    shēng líng tú tàn

    生灵涂炭形容人民处于极端困苦的境地。英the people are plunged into an abyss of misery;[查看详情]

  • 民不聊生

    mín bù liáo shēng

    民不聊生形容人民不能安定生活。例公私劳扰民不聊生。——苏轼《上神宗皇帝书》话中单说建州饥荒斗米千钱,民不聊生。——《京本通俗小说》英the people have no means of livelihood; It is hard for the people to survive; life for the people is intolerable; the peopl[查看详情]

  • 多灾多难

    duō zāi duō nàn

    多灾多难经常发生天灾人祸。例啊!多灾多难的国家有着一个不配掌权的暴君。英dogged with misfortunes and mishaps;[查看详情]