
共 6 条近义词

  • 仿古

    făng gǔ

    仿古摹拟古人的作品。多指古器物或艺术品。英pseudoclassicism; modelled after an antique; be in the style of the ancients;[查看详情]

  • 仿效

    făng xiào

    仿效仿照效法。英imitate; ape; copy; be modelled after;[查看详情]

  • 效法

    xiào fă

    效法仿照别人的做法去做学习别人的长处。例他治学严谨值得效法。英follow the example of; imitate; follow in the footsteps; follow suit; model ofter; strike in with;[查看详情]

  • 模枋

    mó fāng


  • 模仿

    mó făng

    模仿按照现成的样子做。例一首模仿传统大学歌曲的讽刺歌。英imitate; copy; model oneself on;[查看详情]

  • 看齐

    kàn qí

    看齐整队时以指定人为标准排齐。例向左看齐。英Eyes right dress;以某人或某种人为榜样。例向先进工作者看齐。英follow the example; emulate;跟上…的步伐。例并不想在社交生活中和邻居看齐。英keep pace with;[查看详情]