
共 3 条词语

  • 年逾古稀

    nián yú gǔ xī


  • 风烛残年

    fēng zhú cán nián

    风烛残年风中之烛易灭。喻指老人的残年不久于世。例只这风烛残年,没的倒是眼泪倒回去望肚子里流。——《儿女英雄传》英in one's declining years; at the flickering stage of one's life; have one foot in the grave; old and ailing is like a candle guttering in the w[查看详情]

  • 老态龙钟

    lăo tài lóng zhōng

    老态龙钟形容年老体衰、行动不便的样子。例老态龙钟疾未平更堪俗事败幽情。——宋陆游《听雨》英senile; be old and shaky; doddering old age; old appearance with bent back and unsteady steps;[查看详情]