共 17 条词语
马不停蹄奔波忙碌不得休息。比喻时刻不停顿地前进。英continuous; hurried journey without a stop;[查看详情]
毛遂自荐毛遂为赵国平原君门下客他见平原君挑选二十名说客去联楚抗秦尚缺一人就自荐前往。比喻自告奋勇要求担任职务或工作。例这个差使兄弟一定毛遂自荐。——《文明小史》英volunteer one's services as Mao sui once did; sell oneself;[查看详情]
长风破浪喻指远大的志向也比喻趁着有利的时机和条件不怕困难勇往直前地去实现远大的志向。例长风破浪会有时直挂云帆济沧海。——唐李白《行路难》英have lofty aspirations or realize it marching forward courageously;[查看详情]
自告奋勇自愿请求担任某种艰巨的工作。英offer to undertake; come forward of one’s own accord; volunteer to do sth.;[查看详情]
勇往直前毫无畏惧地一直向前。例从俱摩拳擦掌个个勇往直前。——《封神演义》英strike bravely forward; go ahead boldly; advance courageously;[查看详情]
首当其冲首先受到攻击首先遭遇灾难。例郑以小国摄乎晋楚之间,重以强吴,郑当其中,不能修德。——《汉书五行志下之上》英be the first to be affected;[查看详情]
争先恐后争着往前唯恐落后。例大家争先恐后地往车上挤。英rush off to the front; strive to be the first and fear to lag behind;[查看详情]
所向披靡比喻力量所达到之处敌人望风溃散或一切障碍皆被清除。英(of troops) carry all before one; sweep away all obstacles;[查看详情]
一往无前一直向前无所阻挡。形容不怕困难奋勇前进。英press forward with indomitable will;[查看详情]
义无反顾高度的正义感或责任心不容许回溯到以前的时间或地点。英honour permits no turning back;从道义上讲只能勇往直前不能回顾、退缩。英be duty-bound not to turn back;[查看详情]
铤而走险指没有办法只得冒险。英risk danger in desperation; desperate; make a reckless move; rush headlong into danger;[查看详情]
昂首阔步仰着头,迈大步。形容精神奋发。例昂首阔步的神态。英affect a strut; make great strides with head up; strut about;[查看详情]
奋不顾身勇往直前不顾惜自身安危。例常思奋不顾身以殉国家之急。——汉司马迁《报任少卿书》英dash ahead regardless of one's safety; be daring regardless of personal danger;[查看详情]
挺身而出遇险临危奋身勇出,负起重任。英step forward boldly; stand up and volunteer to help; fling oneself into the breach;[查看详情]
百战百胜军队的一种战斗素质。意为战一百次胜一百次,每战都取得胜利。形容极能善战所向无敌。例臣有百战百胜之术。——《史记魏世家》英gain every battle; victorious in every battle;[查看详情]