
共 4 条词语

  • 腾云驾雾

    téng yún jià wù

    腾云驾雾乘云雾而行。比喻速度迅疾。英lik a god who mounts the clouds and ride the wist speed acroos the sky;比喻奔驰迅速。英speed on as if fly in the sky;比喻头脑昏乱迷糊。英feel giddy;[查看详情]

  • 头重脚轻

    tóu zhòng jiăo qīng

    头重脚轻头比脚重,比喻根基不扎实。英top-heavy; be weighed down;[查看详情]

  • 摇摆不定

    yáo băi bù dìng


  • 摇摇欲坠

    yáo yáo yù zhuì

    摇摇欲坠形容非常危险快要倒塌或掉下来。英tottering; crumbling; ramshackle; be on the verge of total collapse;[查看详情]