
共 3 条词语

  • 敬而远之

    jìng ér yuăn zhī

    敬而远之虽然敬重但不愿与之接近。英stay at a respectful distance from sb.;[查看详情]

  • 地广人稀

    dì guăng rén xī

    地广人稀地方大人口少。形容荒凉。例楚越之地地广人希(稀)。——《史记货殖列传》英with much land and few people; small population for a large area; vast and sparsely populated area;[查看详情]

  • 冷冷清清

    lěng lěng qīng qīng

    冷冷清清死气沉沉;冷落、凄凉、寂寞。例会议开得冷冷清清。英abscence of lively atmosphere; be cheerless and lonely; be poorly attended; in a desolate state; in quiet isolation;[查看详情]